Kenpo Basics - Blocks & Parries
Blocks & Parries

Blocks are executed with a closed hand, parries with an open hand.

A block meets force with force to stop or redirect an attackers strike. With a parry, you ride the force of the attackers strike (using the concept of Borrowed Force to redirect the strike.

Parries require significantly less power and are very useful with an unexpected attack when you don't have time to react with a solid block. You can use a quick parry to redirect the strike while preparing your counter move.

Name Description Concepts
Upward Block From face, push upward (like an uppercut punch) and rotate hand so palm is away from face raising arm above head, keeping elbow at 45 degrees. Strike up and down
Angle of deflection
Inward Vertical Block Arm at 90 degrees (bent at elbow) pulled in from outside body to inside body stop at eye, palm to face. Eye alignment
Vertical Arm
Inward Block Arm between 45 and 90 degrees moving at a 45 degree angle across and away from body. If block starts low (from hip) it's thrusting. If it starts high (from shoulder) it's hammering. Lead with elbow - anchored
Arm between 45 and 90 degrees
Outward Vertical Block Arm at 90 degrees (bent at elbow), pushed from inside body to outside stopping at shoulder, palm to face, thumb aligned with outside of shoulder. Fist just outside shoulder
Thumb aligned with shoulder
Outward Extended Block Starts as outward vertical then arm bends to 45 degrees (bent at elbow) pushing from inside body to outside body stopping just outside shoulder (thumb aligned with outside of shoulder). Fist outside shoulder
Elbow anchored, torque
Thumb aligned to edge of shoulder
Downward Block Arm downward to almost full extension, swinging out just past leg, keeping elbow slightly bent. Hammering block
Fist stops just past knee
Rear Elbow Arm cocked and pulled back striking behind at waist with elbow. Compacting the mass
Pushdown Arm pressed down and outward to almost full extension at solar plexus, hand flat, palm down. ?
Inside Downward (Palm Up) Fist cocked at ear, elbow bent, palm facing forward, swings down in a circular motion across midsection of body, stopping at the middle of the body. This is often used as a minor move prior to a downward block. ?
Inside Downward (Palm Down) Arm extended down at your side, elbow slightly bent. Fist (with palm down) swings in front of and across body, stopping at other side of body. ?
Universal Block From a neutral bow, lead arm at inward block position and back arm straight down covering centerline. Covers high and middle
Inward Parry Hand open, palm in, starts from same side as parry hand, moves across and away from body at a 45 degree angle then straight back to opposite side ear. Forms right triangle with chest. Deflecting
Outward Parry Hand open, palm in, starts from opposite of parry hand, moves across body at 45 degree angle then straight back to ear on the same side as parry hand. Forms right triangle with chest. Deflecting
Outward Hooking Parry Hand open, palm in, starts from opposite of parry hand, moves across body at 45 degree angle then straight back to ear on the same side as parry hand with your palm up (like a waiter carrying a tray). Deflecting
Upward Parry Hand open, palm up, starts from same side as parry hand and moves up and away from body at a 45 degree angle (to the "corner of the box") then down and back to opposite side ear. Forms a tilted right triangle with chest. Deflecting
Downward Parry Hand open, palm in, starts from opposite of body from parry hand, up high and swings down at an angle to the outside of the leg on the same side as the parry hand. Deflecting
Horizontal Inward Parry ? Deflecting
Horizontal Outward Parry ? Deflecting
Vertical Upward Parry ? Deflecting
Vertical Downward Parry ? Deflecting

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