Brian's Kenpo Page - Kenpo Forms - Short 1 and Long 1
Parker Kenpo Forms - Short 1 and Long 1

Short Form #1
This form teaches blocking while retreating and introduces us to:

Clock angles are all from your original position.
  1. From a meditating horse stance, step back with your left leg into a right neutral bow while doing a right inward hammering 1 block with a left rear elbow.
  2. Step thru reverse into left neutral bow while doing a left inward thrusting block with a right rear elbow.
  3. Step to 1:30 with your right foot (cover step) while doing a right inward block (transitional) and unwind counter clockwise into a left neutral bow facing 9:00 while doing a left outward block with a right rear elbow.
  4. As you step thru reverse into a right neutral bow, do a left inward block (point of origin from the outward block) into a right outward block with a left rear elbow.
  5. Step to 7:30 (cover step) with your right foot while doing a right inward block and unwind counter clockwise into a left neutral bow facing 3:00 while doing a left upward block with a right rear elbow.
  6. As you step thru reverse into a right neutral bow, do a left downward elbow (point of origin from the high block) into a right upward block with a left rear elbow.
  7. Step to 1:30 2 with your left leg while doing a left inward, downward palm up block and unwind clockwise into a right neutral bow facing 6:00 while doing a right downward block with a left rear elbow.
  8. As you step thru reverse into left neutral bow, do a right inward downward palm up block into a left downward block with a right rear elbow.
  9. With your right foot planted, step clockwise to 9:00 with your left foot then turn your body (and right foot) to 12:00 into a meditating horse stance facing 12:00.
  10. Slide your left foot up to your right foot into an attention stance.

Footnotes For Short Form 1

Long Form #1
This form show us blocking and countering while retreating. It takes Short Form 1 a step further. You'll notice that the first 1/3 of this form is really nothing more than Short 1 with counter strikes. The second 1/3 of this form (the triple blocks) shows us Short 1 left side with extra blocks. The foot movement and angles of that section of the form are identical to Short 1 left side.

In this form we're also introduced to:

Clock angles are all from your original position.
  1. From a meditating horse stance, step back with your left leg into a right neutral bow while doing a right inward hammering 1 block with a left rear elbow followed by a left horizontal thrust punch with a right rear elbow as you move into a right forward bow.
  2. Slide your right foot back into a transitional 45 degree cat stance, do a left inward block.2
  3. Complete the step thru reverse into left neutral bow while doing a left inward thrusting block with a right rear elbow followed by a right horizontal thrust punch with a left rear elbow as you move into a left forward bow.
  4. Step to 1:30 with your right foot (cover step) while doing a right inward block 3 and unwind counter clockwise into a left neutral bow facing 9:00 while doing a left outward block with a right rear elbow followed by a right horizontal thrust punch with a left rear elbow as you move into a left forward bow.
  5. As you step thru reverse into a right neutral bow, do a left inward block (point of origin from the outward block) into a right outward block with a left rear elbow followed by a left horizontal thrust punch with a right rear elbow as you move into a right forward bow.
  6. Step to 7:30 (cover step) with your right foot while doing a left side elbow (towards 3:00), pull your elbow down to your side and torque counter clockwise 4 into a left neutral bow facing 3:00 while doing a left upward block with a right rear elbow followed by a right horizontal thrust punch with a left rear elbow as you move into a left forward bow.
  7. As you step thru reverse into a right neutral bow, do a left downward elbow (point of origin from the high block) into a right upward block with a left rear elbow followed by a left horizontal thrust punch with a right rear elbow as you move into a right forward bow.
  8. Slide your right leg to your left leg into a transitional right cat stance while doing a left inward, downward palm up block, then step forward to 6:00 5 with your right leg while doing a right downward block with a left rear elbow followed by a left horizontal thrust punch with a right rear elbow as you move into a right forward bow.
  9. As you step thru reverse into left neutral bow, do a right inward downward palm up block into a left downward block with a right rear elbow followed by a right horizontal thrust punch with a left rear elbow as you move into a left forward bow.
  10. With your lower body in place, do left/right/left inward blocks, turning your upper body to meet the punches coming from 6:00. With each block is a rear elbow with the opposite arm. 6
  11. Step Thru reverse into a right neutral bow and, with your lower body in place, do right/left/right inward blocks, turning your upper body to meet the punches coming from 6:00. With each block is a rear elbow with the opposite arm.
  12. Step to 4:30 with your left foot (cover step) while doing a transitional left inward block, turn clockwise into a right neutral bow facing 9:00 and do right/left/right outward blocks, turning your upper body to meet the punches coming from 9:00. With each block is a rear elbow with the opposite arm.
  13. As you step thru reverse into a left neutral bow, do a transitional right inward block into left/right/left outward blocks, turning your upper body to meet the punches coming from 9:00. With each block is a rear elbow with the opposite arm.
  14. Step to 10:30 with your left foot (cover step) while doing a transitional left inward block, turn clockwise into right neutral bow facing 3:00 and do right/left/right upward 7 blocks, turning your upper body to meet the overhead strikes coming from 3:00. With each block is a rear elbow with the opposite arm.
  15. As you step thru reverse into a left neutral bow, do a transitional downward elbow into left/right/left upward blocks, turning your upper body to meet the overhead strikes coming from 3:00. With each block is a rear elbow with the opposite arm.
  16. Step to 4:30 with your right foot (cover step) 8 while doing a right inward downward palm-up block, turn counter clockwise into a left neutral bow facing 12:00 and do left/right/left downward blocks, turning your upper body to meet the kicks coming from 12:00. With each block is a rear elbow with the opposite arm.
  17. As you step thru reverse into a right neutral bow, do a transitional left inward downward palm-up block and do right/left/right downward blocks, turning your upper body to meet the kicks coming from 12:00. With each block is a rear elbow with the opposite arm.
  18. Slide your left leg up into a horse stance facing 12:00 and do left/right/left inward downward palm-down blocks that go to the opposite side of your waist. 9 With each block is a rear elbow with the opposite arm.
  19. Do right/left/right inward downward palm-up blocks. 10 With each block is a rear elbow with the opposite arm.
  20. Do left/right/left pushdown blocks that start at the chest and finish just below the solar plexus.
  21. Do right/left horizontal thrust punches to 12:00.
  22. Do right/left 45 degree horizontal thrust punches to 10:30 and 1:30. 11
  23. Do right/left horizontal thrust punches to 9:00 and 3:00.
  24. Do right/left uppercut punches (stopping at solar plexus level).
  25. Your right hand punches into your left palm (into meditating position) then slide your left foot over to your right foot as you move up into an attention stance.

Footnotes For Long Form 1

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